Blogroll Update III  

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More updates to my blogroll:

evanescent, blogged by a free-thinker, atheist, rationalist, and humanist. You'll find posts about atheism, philosophy, and politics.

Evolving Thoughts, where John Wilkens posts about cultural evolution and the philosophy of religion from down under.

Greta Christina's Blog, where she writes about atheism, current events, feminism, sex, and skepticism. One of her recent posts, Atheism and Anger generated a lot of talk in the atheist blogging community.

Half of Me written by Pasta Queen, who lost half of her weight between January 2005 and February 2007. She's an awesome, sweet lady.

The Spanish Inquisitor is always unexpected. He writes about atheism, books, religion, and science. (Well, and a lot more, but that's a good general overview.)

Symbolic Order Publishing, written by (I believe) Aaron Powell and Trevor Burrus. The blog is dedicated to discussing atheism and religion.

The Choice is Now, a blog dedicated to the pursuit of intellectual thinking, pragmatism, rationality, logic, reason, education, and advocacy for social progress via the deconstruction of patently false beliefs and abject stupidity (yep, stolen directly from her because she says it best), by Kelly Gorski.

The Skinny in Chile, a celebrity fitness blog, but really more of an overall fitness and nutrition blog written by mamacita chilena.

You Made Me Say It where PhillyChief discusses atheism, religion, science, and the ridiculousness of life in general. He also claims to be a KC Chief's fan, but I thought that was a breed that died out years ago.

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