Cadaver calculator
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hey, that beats spending 10 grand burying me. I don't think my husband would go for it though.
(via Pharyngula)
Stories, essays, and photographs from a free-thinker in Kansas
$5375.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth
Hey, that beats spending 10 grand burying me. I don't think my husband would go for it though.
(via Pharyngula)
Posted in all, quizzes and memes by Unknown
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Friday, June 29, 2007 at 9:32:00 AM CDT
I rated over $8000. But that's more a reflection of all the rare things that are wrong with me.
I definitely would be a good study. :)
Friday, June 29, 2007 at 9:38:00 AM CDT
I got more money (on the graphic) for having hair past my shoulders than anything else. What do they do with the hair anyway?