
Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm unlikely to post on Mondays as I'm usually catching up from the weekend. Most of my weekend is spent away from the internet, though I may be on the computer playing games (or reading, or outside like a healthy adult, or spending time with Matt or friends and family).

So I usually have at least 50 blog posts to catch up on in my reader as well as those blogs that don't allow subscriptions via RSS feeds (or the like). But, if you're ever browsing by on a Monday be sure to check out the 'My Daily Reader' frame to the left. It has everything I'm reading for that day (and all the past days). More than likely it has a link to your blog somewhere in there.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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2 comments: to “ mondays

  • encephalophone
    Monday, April 2, 2007 at 1:36:00 PM CDT  

    Gorf read slow. Gorf only have time to read ordinary girl's blog and maybe Sometimes ordinary girl's RSS feed all mixed up, confuse Gorf.

  • Unknown
    Monday, April 2, 2007 at 2:10:00 PM CDT  

    I didn't know Gorf could read. It must be that elementalist side (he's elementalist secondary, right?)

    Hmm.. not sure about the RSS feed. I've been categorizing entries and so they might get "republished" in the process. I noticed that once or twice myself. Anything I can work on fixing?

    I've also written a few posts and saved them as drafts, but I'm hoping those didn't get published yet. It'd sort of spoil the surprise. I haven't seen them come through Google Reader though, so I'm going to assume they haven't.


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