CFI Trumps Prophetic Revelations
Friday, May 30, 2008
Shortly after I received my Prophetic Revelations comic I received something else in the mail. Something much more sinister.Now rather than some childish comic, this was written for adults. The picture is much darker.* The black border and "Hell" in a large font adds to the effect. So who is this organization that is trying to tempt me into going to hell?
It's none other than CFI. Fortunately they immediately open with a positive and funny message. Whew. I was worried I might be attacked by a bear or a three-headed cheetah when I opened the pamphlet. I mean, I was really putting my soul in danger.
OK, not really.
I don't have a soul.
But look at the difference between the inside of the CFI pamphlet and the Prophetic Revelations pamphlet. There's actual text inside, not just a blurb about the speakers and some phrases with check marks. I get more information about the Free Inquiry magazine on the first page than I probably would have received in one session about the apocalypse.. well, more real information anyway. The apocalyptic seminar might have been more fun though.. at least to laugh at.And there's a second page of text too! Wow! I feel almost like I've opened a real book, not just a picture book.
CFI asks for donations and they use a non-profit permit. But that doesn't bother me. They're not passing off a scheme. They're asking for donations outright and offering a magazine subscription and free book in exchange.
CFI 1, Prophetic Revelations zilch.
*Does anyone know if this is an Hieronymus Bosch?
Friday, May 30, 2008 at 1:47:00 PM CDT
You don't have a soul, but do you have "SOUL"?
Don't think it's Bosch, though certainly in his style, isn't it?
Friday, May 30, 2008 at 10:08:00 PM CDT
I don't know who the painter is and couldn't find out, but you can see the image for sale all over the Internet. None of the poster sites I've looked at identify the artist, so it's probably our old pal Anonymous (not Hieronymous).
If you look closely, you'll notice that there are French words included in the original, so that lets Bosch out.
Unless you meant "Bush." I could see someone in that crew painting this as kind of a family portrait. Maybe Barbara the elder?
Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 3:51:00 PM CDT
Hahahaha, I love these over dramatic brochures! Great post, btw, had me chuckling throughout, but was interesting as always :)
Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 7:10:00 PM CDT
Who says you don't get interesting mail? Are you going to subscribe?
Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 4:32:00 AM CDT
I love this painting. I have been trying to find it for an hour now (hey I'm board) with no success.
What I can tell about it is that it is almost certainly French, and the background seems to depict the Alps, Rivera (perhaps Toulon or Nice), Pont du Gard, and Pont Saint-Bénezet.
This was probably painted sometime between 1480 and 1530.
Ex, can you post a link to another image, I couldn't find one for the life of me.
Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 12:40:00 PM CDT
Evo: Yeah, it does look like him in content, but the style is a little different.
Ex: I'll have to do a search and see if I can find out. Maybe CFI knows.
Mamacita: Thanks!
Chappy: I'm already a member. I don't have a subscription to the magazine though... maybe I should I see if I can get that deal.
Venjanz: Yeah, I imagine the MoD would like it too since he's a Bosch fan.