Friday Breakfast  

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friday Breakfasts have been resurrected at work and it's my turn tomorrow. So, I decided to make a couple of dishes from PW's site. And I have to say I'm impressed (as I always am) with her recipes.

The apple tart is simple and tasty. I cut my pastry dough into more pieces to make it easier for people to serve themselves.

Here they are before going into the oven. (Please ignore the ugly 70's-style oven. I don't want you to know my pain.)


And the apples in what looks to be a caramel sauce. Don't let it fool you though, it's brown sugar and lemon juice - definitely not something you want to slurp down.


And here's the first batch (minus a couple) ready to go.


Tomorrow I'll post more about the quiches and my variations on PW's recipe.

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