Sunday Reader March 29, 2009  

Sunday, March 29, 2009


"DRM is a waste of time," says World of Goo producer

"Don't bother with DRM—it's a waste of time," he boldly said. "You just end up giving the DRM provider money." While name-dropping BitTorrent sites, he added, "Anything that is of interest gets cracked, and the cracked version ends up having a better user experience than the legit version, because you don't have to input in some 32-character serial number."

ACLU challenges Cleveland Heights-University Heights schools over removal of magazine from library
A principal's decision to remove a magazine from a middle-school library has drawn criticism for the Cleveland Heights-University Heights school board from the American Civil Liberties Union.

The ACLU said the First Amendment was violated when Brian Sharosky, principal of Roxboro Middle School, confiscated the November issue of Nintendo Power magazine. The magazine covers the world of Nintendo video games, from previews and ratings to secret codes and short cuts.

"Literature should not be removed from a school library simply because one person may find it inappropriate," said Christine Link, ACLU of Ohio executive director, in a statement last week. She called for the board to "immediately order that the magazine be reinstated."

Study: Cancer patients of faith more likely to get intensive treatments
Yet even Taylor, who has counseled many dying patients, says she was surprised by the findings of a study in today's Journal of the American Medical Association, which examined the choices of dying cancer patients who rely strongly on their religious faith to cope with their illness.

These patients were three times more likely than others to receive intensive, invasive medical procedures — such as being hooked up to a ventilator or getting cardiopulmonary resuscitation when their hearts stop — even in their last week of life, the study shows.

Fixing a Genetic Flaw
n international team of researchers has successfully treated dogs with the canine form of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rapidly progressing and ultimately fatal muscle disease that afflicts one out of every 3,600 boys. The researchers used a novel technique called exon skipping to restore partial function to the gene involved in Duchenne. The study, published in Annals of Neurology, gives hope that a similar approach could work in humans.

Is It Ok For My Christian Daughter To Masturbate?
Studies show that 87% of the women who become prostitutes did so because of unbridled masturbation as a teenager, and over 90% of girls who become pregnant as teenagers did so because of masturbation loosened their morals and made them more apt to engage in unprotected fornication.

Masturbation will make your daughter very comfortable exploring her body, and it will not be long until she begins to envision other people partaking in the deviant behavior with her.
["Studies" hmmm? - Ed]

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2 comments: to “ Sunday Reader March 29, 2009

  • Tonyia
    Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 9:36:00 AM CDT  

    Oh my, I loved the masturbation article. Where do you imagine she got her statistics?

    Changing the subject, I'd be very honored to have you link my photo to your weekly reader! (very cool! Thanks!)

    Hope your weather is better. There's plenty of photos of your area on the Wunderground weather site, it looks like it was pretty icky!

  • Unknown
    Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 3:05:00 PM CDT  

    A friend of mine believes that site ( might be a spoof site and he's probably right. Once it's no longer real it stops being annoying and starts being funny.

    And thanks for allowing me to link to your picture. It should be up next week.

    Yeah, we had about 5 inches of snow on Saturday, but then it quickly melted away on Sunday when it reached nearly 50. It was kind of funny to see all the green, green grass and vibrant flowers surrounded by snow (and rivers of water) as the snow melted.


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