
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm feeling a bit ill today. It started as a little ill - enough of an excuse to work from home today. But now it's more like headachey and nauseous. I know, I know, my whining makes great blogging!

I'm reading Shadowmarch currently and I'm enjoying it, but it's a bit hard to stay involved. It's the first book in a series and there's a lot of background development going on and I'm not sure where the story is going to go. The characters are interesting, I'm just wondering how they're going to develop and whether they're going to be complex enough.

I'm also still reading Galapagos, The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre, and Year of Wonders, but I've put them aside while I read Shadowmarch.

I'm feeling a bit blah at the moment in general. I'm not sure why. But, I did reach my ex-coworker and he is going to sell our house. We still have the details to work out, but hopefully by the end of this week it will be listed. Wish me luck!

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