moving along  

Monday, August 21, 2006

I finished reading The State of the Art and Old Man's War over the last week. Both of them were pretty good. I liked the short stories in The State of the Art more than the actual self-titled short story, but it was still pretty good.

This morning I picked up Galapagos on the way out the door today to read, but I think I might actually start on another instead (can't remember the name). I really need to read the rest of the books that Ben lent to me though (about 5 of them at the moment).

I'm also still working on Inversions mostly at night because I can't lug around a hardback in my purse for work. I ended up putting it aside as I was reading Old Man's War.

I really want to read The Ghost Brigads now too and any other books by Scalzi I can get my hands on.

Life has been uncharacteristically sedate. I've been working a lot. I've started cooking again, at least during the week. It's not too bad really. I could use a bigger kitchen, but I like the apartment in general.

I'll be glad to have a weekend off again. I am scheduled for at least one server move this weekend, on Friday night. And I have one move currently scheduled for Tuesday. There are still a lot of details to iron out on both though.

I'll be away over Labor Day visiting sunny Atlanta for Dragon Con. I don't know where the time has gone. I'm not ready to drop everything and leave, but I'm sure I'll have a good time. I'm hoping to find internet access there and check email and blogs from my Jornada.

We still don't have the house on the market, but I'm hoping to around the time I get back from Atlanta. We still have some boxes in the house and have half the kitchen/bathroom left to pack. There's nothing there I couldn't live without though, so I'm not too worried. Yesterday we went by and put out more bulky trash (miscellaneous furniture we're not taking with us). All that's left really is getting the rest of the things out and cleaning. I'm going to go by Wed and pack up another car load. It'll be so good to be done and have the house sold. I'm worried about the leaves now that Fall is so close.

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